Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prepare to be shocked...

I baked an apple crisp from scratch!
Those of you who know me well know that I do not cook or bake often. However, last Saturday I engaged in a wonderful fall activity and went apple-picking with some friends and came home with a bag full of yummy Braeburn, Empire, and Golden Delicious apples (I like the sweet ones). Since I am just one person and would likely not be able to eat all the apples I brought home
before they went bad, I decided to get domestic for a change and bake something. An apple crisp seemed to be the easiest to attempt. I used the recipe in my Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. Maybe not perfect, as I think the butter could have been blended better among the other topping ingredients, but I was satisfied.
See for yo


Katy said...

YUM!!!! Great job!!! Doesn't it feel great to make things from scratch?? I LOVE it! :) It looks fantastic!!! :)

Oh..and thank you for your comment on my knitting...I learned in a couple hours...or less! I had to get it right and messed up a couple times...but now I am knitting right along! You should totally try it! I definitely think you may have the patience for it! ;) Have a wonderful rest of your week! xoxo

Dana said...

Yay! I was excited to hear about your apple crisp! Now you can bake for me! :)